4 Daily Morning Routines to Start to Your Day

When starting out each morning on the right foot, you are setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. Your morning routine can have a tremendous effect on your day. It’s important to find what morning routine feels natural to you, makes you feel good, and possibly even magical.

Whatever you may be feeling yesterday, let it go. It’s a new day and you have just pressed the reset button. You’re starting off fresh. Here are 4 daily morning routines to start off your day that I personally practice every morning.  

  1. Gratitude Rampage

Before you reach for your phone in the morning, you should take a moment to say what you’re thankful for. You can start by saying how grateful you are for your bed, your mind, your beating heart, your brilliant brain, and just keep going until you can’t anymore! 

This helps you feel more appreciative of all the things that you do have and not even give any of your shortcomings in thought. By saying what you are grateful for, this instantly raises your vibrations to start your day off on a great note! 

  1. Ask Your Mind What It Needs Today

A HUGE part of healing is working through the discomfort, trauma, and pain that we’ve experienced. Whether you need to heal your inner child, fix a relationship with yourself or someone else, it’s important to ask yourself daily what is it that you need healing most at that moment. 

This may get real fast for you. You may feel emotional as you allow yourself to listen to what’s been really going on inside. Once you realize that to be truly happy, you must take the time and energy to heal. This will motivate you to address the problems. You can start by journaling, meditating, or reading on that topic to start the healing process.

  1. Affirmations

“That’s too hard.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

“I am a failure.”

The average person has anywhere from 12,000-60,000 thoughts per day. 80% of those are negative and 95% of those are repetitive thoughts from the day prior. In order to reprogram your subconscious mind for success, you’ll need to intentionally pick better thoughts. We all have these negative thoughts but do not let them overwhelm you instead you must focus on shifting your mind from negative thoughts to positive ones. 

Some questions to encourage positive thoughts are: what do I love about myself, what is my favorite body part, what am I grateful for, etc. You can also start practicing affirmations! Affirm you are in the process of generating six-figures daily until you get there. Trust me it works! By focusing on positivity, you will set the tone for the rest of the day.

  1. Create Your Own Luck

The magic is in you, it always has been! In order to reach your desired level of success, you have to mix a little woo with the do. In order to give your workspace a little good vibration boost, do some research on crystals. Select a few of your faves and repeat mantras as you hold your crystals! Crystals have so many healing properties as well!

You start your daily routine by talking about all the things that you are grateful for, figure out what you need the most healing in, selectively pick positive thoughts, and lastly have pieces that you know will boost your energy near you. 

Now that you know 4 daily morning routines to help raise your vibrations. Try them out! You have nothing to lose but positive vibes. Once you get your mind aligned, everything else starts to align!

Starting a new business or developing an existing one can seem intimidating sometimes, I’m here to help! I have a Six-Fig Biz Booster program that can really help bring all your ideas to light and start developing it into a six-figure business!