
Create Content Consistently That Converts Into Sales, Leads and Brand Deals

Create content consistently that converts into sales, leads and brand deals



The Struggle Is Real

But your breakthrough is closer than you think! Creating content consistently gets overwhelming, I don’t care what anyone says. I’m not here to tell you about some effortless way to show up consistently. This does takes work, but nothing worth having comes easy, it’s a process. If you’re willing to listen I’m down to share how I get paid from my content, the different types of content, their purpose and how I  use my social media platforms as a resume to secure opportunities & contracts. 
No gatekeeping over here, I’m spilling it all when it comes to the how, not just the why. Sign up today to take notes on:
  • Strategic Content Creation: Create content that speaks directly to your audiences pain points making them eager to engage and easier to convert
  • Sales Driven Storytelling: Practice the art of storytelling in your content so you can captivate your audience.
  • Brand Amplification Techniques: Master these and you’ll be known in your niche at the level you want in no time. 
  • Monetize Your Way to Paid Opportunities: Your personal brand (when amplified by your content) is a revenue-generating machine that can secure not only brand deals but contracts and other lucrative opportunities as well. 


IDK! You tell me! This could just very well be the best hour of your day. Unless something super, super, super life changing happened to you today (even then you should still watch this to learn how to leverage that via storytelling to gain leads). 

If you think your life is boring, or you can’t create content because your space isn’t looking exactly how you want it to, trust me when I say you’ll be relieved to hear some of what I’m sharing because that literally does not matter.

This changed my life, it could very well do the same for yours.

In 2017 I quit my job as a Human Resources Manager to work for myself full time. I failed (forward) and learned how to create structure, system & sales preeeety quickly. Through various marketing trials and tribulations I found that content connects people to solutions and if I could get my content in front of the right people, positioning it as the solution people were looking for, I could meet my sales goals.


Content Creation has opened up doors for me that I never once imagined was possible. 

-I’ve worked with brands like Warby Parker, CapCut, ClickUp and Microsoft (just to name a few!)

-I’ve supported billion dollar brands in reaching millions from leading strategic campaigns.

-I’ve never went mega viral myself, but I’ve been creating impact and income from my social media since I was at about 500 followers. Community converts but you have to learn how to build it.


Hey, I’m Jodi-Kay Edwards, Brand Manager, Digital Marketing Strategist, Creative Director & lover of a good vibe. I help Creatives & CEOs get seen and get paid using their personal brand & content marketing. Welcome to my side of the internet! I hope you find something to help you grow your brand, business & bank account while you’re here.


Can’t wait to hear your epiphany’s and wins from the Content Marketing Masterclass! Tag me on Instagram @jodikayedwards and I’ll reshare it to my stories, for a little extra boost in brand awareness. 

Copy this URL to share it with a friend! www.jodikayedwards.com/cmm


A simple one page PDF to execute your 2024 content marketing plan.