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3 Productivity Hacks You Can Easily Implement Today

Productivity and efficiency are crucial for the success of any business. As we shift into planning mode for the year ahead we also have to take a look at meeting those goals. Some of those goals won’t happen without making investments, hiring a team or learning how to master our productivity. When we learn how to properly utilize all three we can see a massive increase in not only our happiness as business owners, but our profits as well.

In order to improve your productivity try these three tips.


Rather than being stuck with daunting tasks and underutilizing expensive software try analyzing your weaknesses and limitations. From there you can make a decision about what services you can outsource and who you can hire to take over smaller tasks that prove to be more expensive. Think about how much time it takes for an expert to accomplish a task versus the time and money it might take for you to figure it out on your own. Outsourcing often feels like more work up front but it really can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Take a look at what a good use of your time would be. 

Outsourcing can be a simple way to expand your team. Start out by asking your fellow business friends for recommendations and referrals. Conduct interviews as if you were planning on hiring an employee. A virtual service provider needs to meet the same high standards as an employee would. Create interview questions based around the work you expect them to perform. There are lots of assessments you can have them take to test their proficiency. 

Ditch the Bad Habits

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein said that and he was right! Don’t stay stuck doing the same things just because you’ve always done them that way. Take a look at your business from the previous years, if this is your first year take a look at the current systems and processes you have in place. Are you planning a launch, how are your programs doing, are you having a hard time growing a following on social media, or getting people into your store? 

What new approaches can you take to work more efficiently. There are small changes you can take to start doing things differently today. If you’ve been doing this alone, take a look at putting a cash injection into your business by working with a coach. Hire someone to look at your business from an outside perspective to find out where the pitfalls are, generally these lead to poor habits that you can work on improving. 

Create a Real Plan

I’m a big fan of planners, I like to see at a glance all my tasks as well as crossing off all that I’ve accomplished. There are many project management systems you can use online, Asana or Trello work great for planning. Without a plan your actions are meaningless. A business plan helps you to reach your goals. With a plan you stay on track, you’re able to look at your numbers and see what’s working versus what’s not. Having a plan not only increases your productivity but gives you something to focus on. 

Feeling overwhelmed with the idea of planning? 

Join me for my free webinar, Planning for Six-Figures and Beyond in 2019, where we will discuss exactly how to set your goals, break down your numbers and create an actionable plan for you to reach your income goals. 

While everyone’s goals will be different, we all have to create a roadmap and learn how to take real action. There’s no excuse not to grow your business this year! Sign up for instant access to the webinar here

Looking for more? Inside the Aligned VIP Tribe you’ll find planners, content calendars e-courses and simple strategies to help you see profit in your business and stay on track to reach your goals. Check out the membership site here.

About//Jodi-Kay Edwards is a mindset and business coach for entrepreneurs who want to understand the strategy and technology behind building a six-figure business online. Read More