If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.
–Lewis Carrol
Greetings friends & enemies!
Having a clear idea of what you want helps you to focus and not be distracted by things of little or no importance to you. Sound simple and straightforward? Not really. Most people have a vague, murky idea of what they want at any given time. Maybe you want to be 10lbs lighter. Maybe you want to have extra cash flow from a side business, or just more freedom and resources for you and your kids. But, as the old adage goes; ‘the devil is in the details.’
If your desires are bland and vague, your drive to get them will be even more dim and half assed than your stunted daydreaming. Hell, more than likely, your drive will be as fleeting and formless as your transient desires. Worse, you may just give in to a self-defeating internal monologue out of habit. Stop killing your dreams before you can image them! Those brief glimmers of positive self-talk will move you forward and out of the current unwanted aspects of your reality. It’s time you nurture and cultivate your positive thoughts and yourself! Your dreams should be more than an inconsistent mental escape. Your thoughts and ideas should be stable enough to make you believe in yourself. You can’t build a dream on inconsistent thoughts and limiting patterns of belief that hinder your success. If you undermine your desires you undermine your potential to achieve them.
When you devote time to develop your wants, you stop reacting and begin to evoke reactions from those surrounding you. It’s harder to get swept up in another person’s plans or desires when you have something of your own to anchor your focus and actively build. There’s less idle space for people to impose their limiting beliefs and desires over your own. Preparing for greatness is far more fun than fearing failure. Anticipating possible challenges is a means to quickly overcome small stalling points that may otherwise leave you crippled. Strategize your win. Finding erroneous faults in your ideas just cripples creativity. It’s a means of procrastination. Stop killing off all your best ideas before you get started!
Skills are not the end all be all. Mindset is a critical component that can’t be bought… but can be taught. Proper mindset will help to acquire the skills you need before you can talk yourself out of trying to develop them. Limiting beliefs Linda (mediocre bitch). Reacting Rhonda (anxious twit). Your story is your strategy. Write a good story you want to live in! Be a joyfully jubilant Jodi! Not only is she fun, she loves to win by making you win for yourself.
Consciously shift to anticipate and plan. Right now. Go write down a plan. Take some notes. You promised Jodi! Don’t wing it. This has the ability to change everything. Fuel yourself on something good. If your beliefs don’t help you move to the next level they need to be disregarded or removed. Evaluate what’s holding you up so you can move on. Stop sitting at your self-imposed road blocks and get around.
List out some of your undesirable feelings and get to work reverse engineering coping strategies. No money, no time, no resources. You can just stop reading here if you want an excuse out. Otherwise start listing these stalling points so you can scheme and plan work arounds. If that’s too much to tackle, make five points about how your dream life would feel. Then add ideas that help to bridge the feelings into reality. If your dream is travel and freedom, some ideas may be to work from home, generate passive revenue or tailor your client list to get you working in places you want to see. Stop being vague and get digging around into what you want and the specifics of it.
You heard Jodi, we want to see your lists! Go tag her on Instagram or drop them in the facebook group!
ANTICIPATE DON’T REACT! Go over to facebook and join the Alignment Tribe! It’s completely free to join. We are a self-empowerment community that will brain wash you into believing in yourself. There are entrepreneurs of all levels sharing their stumbles and successes. You know you’re curious…. you waste more time rereading Kardashian tweets.